Fire Prevention Week
We will have the Morton Fire Department come visit starting at 9 AM.
We will have the Morton Fire Department come visit starting at 9 AM.
Wouƞspe (Learning) for all Families and Community: Wamanic̣a Aƞpetu: “Animal Appreciation Day”
Kawitaya (Socialization) for Home-Based and Expectant Families
Dress-up in your Halloween costume! Trick-O-Treating at CWOO. EHS/HS will go to JJCH and HS will go to the Government Center starting at 10 AM.
Wopida Ṭaƞka for coming and speaking Daḳota Iapi at C̣aƞṡayapi! Please join us for a Dakota lapi Bowl during the Akicita Wacipi (Veterans Powwow) on Sunday, November 12th at the Grand Eagle Ballroom at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel. The block of rooms at Jackpot Junction Casino Hotel will be released two weeks prior to the […]
Grand Eagle Ballroom August 16, 2023 from 5-6:30pm Yahi kiƞ waṡte kte! - It'll be so good to see you!
CWOO Students: 9:00 - 11:00 am CWOO Family Photos: 3:30 -6:30pm Family picture sign up at the Front Desk