Health Update: 12/30/21

Haƞ Mitakuyapi,

I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday break!

We have been noticing there are increasing COVID-19 and Influenza cases during this time and would like to kindly remind all families to continue watching for symptoms. The symptoms of COVID-19 and Influenza can be similar. Attached is CWOO’s Sick Chart that includes protocols for symptoms of COVID-19 and other illnesses. I am also attaching the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) COVID-19 Decision Tree, which goes into depth on the symptoms of COVID-19 protocols. Please review to ensure your child does not have any symptoms that would require them to stay home and when they can return to school.

With a COVID-19 negative test, families may feel they are set to return to school. Friendly reminder that they will need to wait 24 hours until symptoms have improved to be able to return ready to learn. They may have Influenza, which we are asking students and staff to stay home and wait 24 hours until symptoms improve and make sure 24 hours fever free without any fever-reducing medication. We will not require an Influenza test to return to school but do ask to monitor symptoms to ensure has improved for 24 hours before returning.

COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Period Update from the CDC:  

The CDC has updated their Isolation and Quarantine guidance (see link) CDC Updates and Shortens Recommended Isolation and Quarantine Period for General Population | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC. MDH is currently reviewing and has asked to continue with our current guidance outlined in our current MDH COVID-19 Decision Tree. Once we receive the new protocol, which will follow with an updated Decision Tree document, we will share with families. As for now, CWOO will continue with the current MDH COVID-19 Decision Tree attached.

Please feel free to go to for the latest COVID-19 updates and information. We also have printed copies at the front desk of our protocols that folks can take. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact CWOO at 507-697-8255.

Pidamayaye (Thank you) for helping to keep our school and community safe,

Vanessa Goodthunder

Enclosure: CWOO Sick Chart and MDH COVID-19 Decision Tree