School Update – 05/19/2020

Dear Parent or Guardian:

            Haƞ Mitakuyapi, I am writing to update you on the school’s and community’s preparedness in response to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). To continue our mission at C̣aƞṡayapi Waḳaƞyeża Owayawa Oṭi, we have a goal of continuing to keep our families and staff healthy and able to learn and work.

To do so, we have made the unfortunate decision to continue having our building closed until the end of the 2019-2020 school year with the new school year starting in September, and will continue Distant Learning and Services that will include: 

  • We will continue to reach out to families weekly by either text or phone call
    • If you are in need of assistance with finding childcare or payment, please contact us. We are here to help with any needs.
  • Upcoming dates for distance learning and services package to be delivered will be:
    • Friday May 22nd
    • Friday June 5th
  • These packages will include the following items:
    • Diapers, Wet Wipes, and Formula
    • Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack
    • Educational Learning
  • Please note that there will be a Food Distribution held Friday May 29th from 10:00 am-2:00 pm. This will be held in the Jackpot Junction parking lot.

            We will continue to do the best we can to provide what we are able to for our families and the community during this time. We wanted to ensure you know where to get information on any updates that the school will provide to our families to ensure clear communication on future updates. All updates will be announced through the school’s ChildPlus text system. They are also communicated on the school’s Facebook page at: Lower Sioux Early Head Start and Head Start and on our school’s website  Families are asked to look for these updates on these communication methods. We will plan on sending another letter out monthly to maintain continued updates during this time.

The Tribe has declared a State of Emergency and the Federal Nation has declared this a pandemic, please follow the guidance of the CDC to take precaution and mitigate the spread. Any of these precautions or symptoms should be followed for the children, family, staff, and community.


Vanessa Goodthunder
